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TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010

CALL TO ORDER: Shannon Young began the meeting at 7:45 pm.  Members Present:  
S. Young, B. Boodry, J. Briody, R. Faanes, S. Bowman, G. Petriccione,
S. Howard, B. Woerner, and B. Piepho
Absent Members:  J. Simmons, L. Leaden, S. Ward, A. Ruot, and R. Carley
Also Present:  G. Bollard, S. Conant, and J. Tinley – Friends of the Lake

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by R. Faanes, seconded by B. Piepho,            to approve the April 6, 2010 Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting minutes as written.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated that he spoke with E. Mariani regarding the overcrowding (parking) when multiple events are being held and people do not know where to park.   She stated that the proposal for a redesign of the boat launch has been turned down.
S. Young reported that he received a flyer from Leaps of  Faith Disabled Warerskiers regarding the “2010 Wounded Warrior Watersports Event”, being held June 24-27, 2010.  

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that K. Seeley will be picking up the boats on Monday to bring to the launch.  B. Boodry reported that the lights and sirens are not functioning on the Edgewater.  Further discussion on the Edgewater will be discussed under New Business.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Jerry Simmons – No report

TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated the invoice patrol cost was low.  This invoice is from November 2009.  J. Briody also stated that he has sent payment to Barkwood Falls Association for yearly storage, and payment to Administrative Assistant for meeting/minutes preparation.  B. Piepho stated that he has paid the fish stock bill in the amount $240.00.  
J. Briody will reimburse B. Piepho.  J. Briody also stated that he has received the contract from
C. Leed for the work George Knoecklein performed and he will put in for reimbursement.

1.  Debris Management Advisory Committee Report:  This agenda item was tabled from the
    March 2, 2010 Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting.  S. Young stated that he attended the
     2010 Annual Debris Management Advisory Committee Meeting with First Light Power.  He
     also read to the members his interpretation of the meeting as well as the interpretation from  
     Bob Gates. S. Young stated that First Light proposes to continue debris removal until First
    Light deems it appropriate to modify its debris removal methods, at which time, First Light
    Will, to the extent necessary, submit Plan amendments to FERC after consultation with the
    Connecticut Department of Environmental protection (DEP) and the Debris Management
    Advisory Committee, a group consisting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority, Lake Zoar
    Authority, and First Light.

Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – May 4, 2010                       Page Two

   B. Boodry stated that First Light should make a presentation to the Lake Lillinonah Authority
    and address all questions before we discuss the 50-50 cost sharing for $25,000 for contracting
    a new type of debris harvesting device called “The Aquamog.”  “The Aquamog” is a vessel
    with an onboard excavator/backhoe attachment fitted with a hydraulic thumb.  This device
    grabs debris on the shoreline and then dumps the debris into the skimmer for transport to an
    offloading area.  

    B. Piepho distributed to the members a letter written on April 25, 2005 to Magalie R. Salas,
    Secretrary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Housatonic Project FERC
    Project No 25766 Article 410 Debris Management Plan written by Ann Schiessel, and a
    response written by John E. Estep, Division of Hydropower Administration and      
    Compliance regarding, “Order Modifying and Approving Debris Management Plan Pursuant
   to Article 410.
    align:left;">     stated that a complaint can be initiated by a telephone call, having a member from Friends of     
     the Lake and a member from the Lake Lillinonah Authority in on the call to start  the process.     
     J. Tinley distributed to the members information on complaint resolution  paths and target  
     time frames, and informational requirements to be a complaint.     He also stated that the
     complaint should be as informative as possible.  All members were in agreement to file a joint    
     FERC Complaint on Debris.

    S. Young stated that he spoke to Rick at CCA regarding quantifying the debris on the  

    A motion was made by R. Faanes, seconded by B. Piepho, to join forces with Friends
    of the Lake to file a complaint with FERC regarding debris.  There was no further discussion.                
     Motion was passed unanimously.
2.  Algae sample collected – Discussion:  S. Young stated that L. Leaden collected a sample
     from GMS on April 20, 2010 on the Housatonic river near the railroad bridge in New
    Milford.  The specimen was taken to HydroTechnologies, Inc. on April 23, 2010 for
    microscopic examination and identification.  The specimen was identified as a species of
    flamentous blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) of the genus oscillatoria.

3.  Discussion of Edgewater Boat:  S. Young stated that the lights and speakers do not work on  
the Edgewater. There is a hold in the keel of the fiberglass.  Also, the fitting is broken in the    middle of the hull of the wash down system.  Approximately 2 gallons of water was found in the gas from the time the boat was dropped off and sat in the water.  The Edgewater didn’t come out of the water until December.  Hopefully, the water can be isolated and removed.  
S. Young reported that there is no working depth gauge.  B. Boodry stated that the Lake Lillinonah Authority has an engine with 40 hours on it which is being held at Echo Bay Marina.  The engine has been for sale for two years.  A suggestion was made to post the engine for sale on Craig’s List.
Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – May 4, 2010                       Page Three

4.  Discussion of Buoy Contractor:  S. Young stated that he has received two proposals for
     a buoy contractor.  The proposals were from Jason Houghtaling,Waters Edge Restoration, and
     Management, and Bruce Lockhart, Lockhart Environmental LLC.  The Executive Committee
     will make the final decision of which company will represent the Lake Lillinonah Authority.

1.  Friends of the Lake Annual Clean Up Day – May 22, 2010:- S. Young asked everyone to
     mark this date on their calendars, and urged all to participate.
2.  Buoy Placement and CCA Buoy Permit Contract:  S. Young stated that as soon as buoy    
     placement is set he will meet with CCA to have the buoy permit contract in place.
3.  Motion to accept – Funding for Data Collection Buoy:  A motion was made by
     B. Piepho, seconded by B. Boodry, to approve the $6,000 funding for a data collection buoy.     
     The funding for the data collection buoy is to come out of the water quality budget.
    Motion was passed unanimously.
4.  Membership – 1 vacancy in Bridgewater, 1 vacancy in Southbury, 1 vacancy in New
     Milford:  S. Young stated that do date there is 1 vacancy in Bridgewater and 1 vacancy
     in Southbury.  Jim Ginity has filled the New Milford vacancy and will attend the June 2010   

A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by S. Young to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  The meeting ended at 9:30pm.